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Interesting Moments
Industry analyst James Governor (whose blog I really like) wrote an interesting post linking my "is it interesting" post with something Yahoo Ajax Evangelist Bill Scott is talking about. Bill's post is Storyboarding Interesting Moments and right now, all I can say is that I'm very, very interested. He had me at the word "storyboarding", a concept we use around here almost as much as mind mapping.
Also, Living Code's Dethe Elza coded up an interactive version of the Breakthrough Ideas equalizer thing. It's wicked easy -- you just type up to eight slider labels in a single text entry field, and it generates the equalizer where you can move the sliders. Given that this is much easier than the way I've been doing it, I'm going to just use this on his website, and then take screen shots. Cheers Dethe!
There's a lot of other interesting news but I'm still way behind on things so it might take a while to catch up. But if you haven't looked at the comments/great advice in the "Career Advice for Young People" post, I encourage you to do so. It seems I left out one of the most obvious and important ones--completing something!. (Always Be Closing)
Posted by Kathy on December 21, 2005 | Permalink
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One of the things we are striving for within Y! is providing more delight in our interfaces. The tie-in between what I was writing about and what you so elegantly articulated is that interesting moments are the "opportunities for engagement."
Our goal is create wow, delight and love within our user base. Or in other words make passionate users.
Joshua Porter pointed me to a Jared Spool article from 2002 on Seducible Moments (http://www.uie.com/articles/seducible_moments/) that speaks to this very topic.
Posted by: Bill Scott | Dec 21, 2005 2:38:09 PM
you guys just made my blogging year. I am really happy you saw the links in what you do, in the same way i did. and initiated a conversation around same.
Being called out by Creating Passionate Users so nicely: I won't say I can now die happy, but it certainly makes for a great Christmas present and end of year support for what I am doing. I wondered after I made the post whether it was too self-referential, but evidently not! huzzah!
seducible moments- you just cant help yourself, can you Kathy.
Posted by: james governor | Dec 22, 2005 4:26:53 AM
scheeching halt - seducible moments came from bill? i know kathy will follow up that link...
Posted by: james governor | Dec 22, 2005 4:27:47 AM
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