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Announcing The Emo Programmer book
I'm pleased to announce the release of my latest book, The Emo Programmer. Most of you all know my co-author David Heinemeier Hansson (aka David HH) as the guy who created Rails to build 37signals loveable Basecamp application. David's been arguing passionately about the need and benefits of making happy programmers, and I've been fortunate to have the chance to work with David on a very special project:
Emotional Programming™
From the official press release:
This book defines the next step beyond Agile. Inspired by the Emo music scene, this book describes the new methodology called Emotional Programming™.
Ruby and Rails have ushered in a new era which respects not just the technical but also emotional needs of developers. Recognizing that programmers cannot be expected to care deeply about users if they--the programmers--are not happy and fulfilled, Emotional Programming™ brings a new level of sensitivity to software development. The Emo Programmer™ is one who strives to craft the most user-friendly, accessible, and inspiring applications. It is no longer enough for our programs to work well--they must add meaning to our end-users lives. Emotional Programming™ shines a light on the path to a more emotionally uplifting approach to software development.
And who better to lead this effort than David Heinemeier Hansson (the industry's strongest advocate for programmer well-being, and creator of the joyful Rails framework) and Kathy Sierra (passionate user evangelist, and creator of the cheerful Head First series)?
According to Sierra, "As a music style, Emo represents emotionally-charged punk rock--Emo is short for 'emotional'. What David and I have done is apply the underlying sensibilities of Emo music to the typically un-emotional world of computer programming. Thanks to Ruby and Rails, the tech industry is finally treating programmers like humans first, coders second. And in the end, this means programmers will have more compassion for end users."
Once again, the Pragmatic Programmers are leading the next wave in software development. Stay tuned for the Emotional Programming™ Manifesto.
I should have the link to the manifesto up later today. Pre-sales should start on Amazon within the next two weeks. Now you know why I've been so busy the last few months!
Posted by Kathy on April 1, 2006 | Permalink
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» The Emo Programmer: Beyond agile and pragmatic from Loud Thinking
It's with great pleasure and a wide smile that I'm finally able to share my secret with you. Kathy Sierra... [Read More]
Tracked on Apr 1, 2006 9:58:53 AM
» happiness is... from gapingvoid
[PS: Kathy and Dave have a new book out. Hurrah!]... [Read More]
Tracked on Apr 2, 2006 10:13:01 AM
» happiness is... from gapingvoid
[PS: Kathy and Dave have a new book out. Hurrah!] [BONUS LINK:] From The Sunday Times:In search of lost manliness. Harvard professor Harvey Mansfield tells John-Paul Flintoff he is sticking out his jaw at the storm his views on... [Read More]
Tracked on Apr 2, 2006 12:09:42 PM
» Heading over for Webstock in Wellington from frankarr - an aussie microsoft blogger
I am heading over to Wellington, May 24-27, to be part of an event
called Webstock.
I'm going... [Read More]
Tracked on Apr 2, 2006 7:01:06 PM
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The writing has been fast-and-furious over the weekend, with opinions flying on whether Chevy royally screwed the pooch with their current ad campaign for the Chevy Tahoe, a tie-in (somehow) with the TV show The Apprentice. To summarize: Chevy has [Read More]
Tracked on Apr 4, 2006 12:00:17 AM
» Rediscovering Weinbeg from pinds.com
Reading Davids response, he reminded me of my love for the works of Jerry Weinberg. I read a handful of them already a few years back, with some of my favorites being Secrets of Consulting and Becoming a Technical Leader. After getting the response [Read More]
Tracked on Dec 29, 2006 12:21:44 AM
Isn't it fun being on the interweb, us Australians have nearly finished the day but the Americans are still snoozing.
Posted by: Ross Hill | Apr 1, 2006 2:14:23 AM
April Fool's haha!
Posted by: Rabbit | Apr 1, 2006 2:39:57 AM
Happy is the new agile. ;)
Posted by: Thomas Fuchs | Apr 1, 2006 3:13:28 AM
This must be an April Fool Joke
Posted by: Bizmonk MJ | Apr 1, 2006 4:19:25 AM
Sweet! Now I can learn how to write girl code ;)
Posted by: Bill Mietelski | Apr 1, 2006 6:12:21 AM
So the path to true programming happiness is called "Finding Emo", right?
Posted by: Steve Akers | Apr 1, 2006 6:21:08 AM
Ha! I wish my students DID get all emotional about their programming!
Posted by: Sharon | Apr 1, 2006 6:46:18 AM
Wow... Program like Emo Phillips! Oh, hold on - quite a few people do that already.
Nice April Fool's joke though!
Posted by: Matt Moran | Apr 1, 2006 6:52:15 AM
Wait... You had me there for a second.
This actually sounds like a cool book concept. (I would have added it to my Amazon.com wish list.) Good software management isn't about the code; it's about the experience. The best managers realize this, of course. But there are plenty who haven't a clue.
Posted by: Tim King | Apr 1, 2006 12:46:32 PM
I was all ready to order a review copy... :)
Posted by: Duffbert | Apr 1, 2006 1:42:49 PM
That's so funny I forgot to laugh.
Posted by: Daniel Berger | Apr 1, 2006 3:02:46 PM
Isn't it wonderful?
For IQ we have eXtreme Programming
For EQ we now have Emo Programming
can't wait until you will cover SQ (Spiritual Intelligence, see http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1582340447 ). Would that be Intuitive programming?
:-) stw
Posted by: Stephan H. Wissel | Apr 1, 2006 7:50:31 PM
Will the debugger now have to tell me it's okay that my function failed?
I can see it:
>line 108 : range is out of bounds : that's okay though, you are a good person and we all make mistakes;
Posted by: thom | Apr 1, 2006 10:17:22 PM
So does this mean Ruby programmers are more emo than, say, Perl programmers?
MySQL people are definitely 5000% more emo than PostgreSQL people.
Obligatory link: Emo Rangers!
Posted by: frosty | Apr 2, 2006 12:59:52 PM
Argh! you keep getting me with these. That said, I am very, very relieved to know that you haven't gotten a trademark on the term emotional programming ;)
On April 1st last year, I was all ready to buy head first lisp. I still think there's a market out there for it.
Posted by: Geoff B | Apr 2, 2006 1:28:02 PM
I just posted about this on my blog:
I'd like to know:
"The reference to a cry-baby musical movement should have been a clear tip off that the book was bogus. But why are the emotional needs of programmers such a joke? Why is the idea of happy developers laughable? If creating software that is friendly, accessible, and inspiring the absurd stuff that humor is made of what exactly then are we writing?"
Posted by: Matthew Reinbold | Apr 2, 2006 2:42:34 PM
But was the whole book written on typewriters, with no punctuation? And does the release mean that you and David have already split up and are working with other authors now?
Posted by: Tracy Nelson | Apr 3, 2006 10:35:23 AM
Hahahaha, wow.
Ya ok... right. Let's meditate on this, focus on the inner chi you emo coders. Mmmm, feeling inspired yet?
You know why emo people want emo programming? It's just a fancy catch-phrase for being lazy as hell, as usual emo people complaining about having to do REAL WORK. :D
Posted by: anthony | Apr 4, 2006 6:33:16 AM
"Metaphysical Code?"
Posted by: Lion Kimbro | Apr 4, 2006 2:13:00 PM
Screw you all. Emo programming is an awesome idea damn it. Code is poetry. Yeah.
*Ponders how to code his sorrow over the loss of Elliot Smith...*
Posted by: Mario | Apr 6, 2006 8:39:34 AM
Doggone it you are too good. I was ready to click through to Amazon... and then I saw the date of the post. I guess I'll just have to read the books you two have already written..
Posted by: George Girton | Apr 10, 2006 2:28:51 PM
Hmmm... I wonder what our follow-up book should be...
Check out this related post from Tim O'Reilly:
Men Prefer Angst : )
Posted by: Kathy SIerra | Apr 12, 2006 7:37:12 PM
wait, how can you code if you're slashing your arms and wrists with razor blades?
Posted by: pfig | Jan 22, 2007 6:44:31 PM
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