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Motivating others: why "it's good for you" doesn't work
"What matters is what they do when the clicking stops." That was the central theme in the New Media Interaction Design courses I taught at UCLA Extension (Entertainment Studies dept). We all want to motivate our users (customers, learners, kids, employees, members, etc.), but motivate them for what? What do we hope they'll do when they stop clicking/listening/reading? More importantly, how do we make it happen?
Question 1: What do we want our users to do?
And no, we don't get to say, "know more." That's not an action. "Like us more" is not an action. Even my favorite, "kick ass" is not an action. How many people take a course in Design Patterns and then go right back to work and write the same clunky code, reinventing the flat tire? How many customers interact with a web app and then... just leave? How many people say they care deeply about a cause, but do nothing beyond bumper-sticker activism? How many people listen to a lecture on the dangers of smoking, but keep smoking?
There is nearly always an action (or set of actions) you're hoping users will take, and most of you already know what that is. But we also know that this sometimes involves a change in behavior, something that's extremely hard to do. So it's really the next question that matters more:
Question 2: How do we motivate them to do it?
That's where broccoli and optimism come in (I promise I'll get there in a moment).
We all know we can't simply slap motivation on another person. All we can do is design an experience to help them motivate themselves. If we get them to spend time on our web site, and they have a good experience, but then leave without doing anything--and never come back--does it really matter that they had a Good User Experience? Is a good experience an end in itself, or is it a means to something else? For much of what we design, what matters is what happens when the clicking stops (or for many web apps, just before the clicking stops).
So, we really have two levels of motivation... motivation to interact and motivation to do something as a result of that interaction. Motivation to interact is something we've talked about quite a bit here... things like the flow state, levels/superpowers, spiral experience design, painting a compelling picture with clear steps to getting there, blah blah blah. This post is about inspiring post-interaction action.
And it all comes back to broccoli. And optimism. The main points are:
1) Trying to motivate someone to action by telling them it's good for them doesn't... actually... work.
There's way too much statistical evidence (not that any of us need more evidence than our own personal experience), that not only is "... because it's good for you" NOT motivating, even the extreme case of, "... because you will DIE if you don't..." often fails! Smoking, weight loss, lack of exercise, too much alcohol or drugs. We all know what is and isn't "good for us," yet too many of us still aren't motivated enough to DO something about it. So we must ask ourselves:
"If people don't aren't motivated to make changes even under the threat of death, what on earth will motivate them?" In a controversial but powerful article in Fast Company (from May 2005) called "Change or Die", there are some insights and examples. You need to read the whole thing for the full context, but this quote gives a strong hint:
"The conventional wisdom says that crisis is a powerful motivator for change. But severe heart disease is among the most serious of personal crises, and it doesn't motivate -- at least not nearly enough. Nor does giving people accurate analyses and factual information about their situations. What works? Why, in general, is change so incredibly difficult for people? What is it about how our brains are wired that resists change so tenaciously? Why do we fight even what we know to be in our own vital interests?
Kotter has hit on a crucial insight. "Behavior change happens mostly by speaking to people's feelings," he says. "This is true even in organizations that are very focused on analysis and quantitative measurement, even among people who think of themselves as smart in an MBA sense. In highly successful change efforts, people find ways to help others see the problems or solutions in ways that influence emotions, not just thought."
Unfortunately, that kind of emotional persuasion isn't taught in business schools, and it doesn't come naturally to the technocrats who run things -- the engineers, scientists, lawyers, doctors, accountants, and managers who pride themselves on disciplined, analytical thinking. There's compelling science behind the psychology of change -- it draws on discoveries from emerging fields such as cognitive science, linguistics, and neuroscience -- but its insights and techniques often seem paradoxical or irrational."
Or to put it another way, telling you to eat broccoli because it's good for you doesn't work because it doesn't invoke the right feelings.
And even the threat of death doesn't invoke the right feelings. (Not that fear isn't a powerful motivator, but it's not motivating in the ways we might think...)
Which brings us back to, what does motivate?
Optimism. Hope.
In the Fast Company article, they talk about reframing / recasting the reasons why you should do something. Rather than using "it's good for you" or even the hard-to-believe-it-doesn't-work "you'll DIE if you DON'T," some health-related programs have much more success by emphasizing pleasure. From a doctor in the article: "joy is a more powerful motivator than fear."
Yes, this whole "duh" post is to reinforce the cliche: focus on the positive. (And if you're wondering why an article on making health changes is in a business magazine, you'll have to read the whole thing to see how they apply it to work behavior and culture as well, especially in the area of change.)
But what prompted me to dig out that old article was the most recent Fast Company article, Moving Pictures, about the Oscar-nominated entrepreneur Jeff Skoll, the man behind Participant Productions--"the first film company to be founded on a mission of social impact through storytelling." Skoll is also the guy who made Al Gore's new film, An Inconvenient Truth happen.
Skoll recognizes that simply "raising awareness" of issues is of little value unless people take action. From the article:
"For each project, Participant execs with nonprofit backgrounds reach out to public-sector partners, from the ACLU to the Sierra Club, for their opinions. If those partners don't think they can build an effective action campaign around the film, it's a no-go..."It can't be good-for-you spinach, or it's not going to work."
[I used broccoli instead of spinach because that whole recent Killer Spinach thing in the US wrecked the metaphor]
And here's the optimism part:
"In the face of challenges ranging from global warming to threats to civil liberties, Skoll aims to inspire hope, then action. "Time and time again, you see this outpouring from people once they're made aware they can do something," he says. "That's the principle that drives this company."
And even if you're not trying to get someone to take action for social change or to save their life--something Meaningful with a capital "M"--remember that meaningful with a lowercase "m" matters too. If your software, book, or service helps me learn more, spend more time in flow, kick ass a bit more at work, or even just have fun playing a game...you're bringing a bit more joy into my day. And THAT is meaningful to me.
Posted by Kathy on September 29, 2006 | Permalink
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Tracked on Oct 4, 2006 6:40:15 AM
Excellent article. It blows me away at how relevant this is to the current on-goings in American politics. How information/issues are wrapped up (or not) has had a lot to do with how folks have voted.
Great article. Highly informative.
Posted by: P.J. Onori | Sep 29, 2006 6:01:17 PM
Helping users kick ass is great, but what about when what you are asking them to do is a selfless act? How is the user kicking ass when they change their lightbulbs to energy-efficient or even changing their diet to go vegan?
I'd love to mull this over with anyone who comes to the Take Back The Web conference.
Posted by: Chris Anderson | Sep 29, 2006 6:25:04 PM
Chris: good question... and one for the scientists, but the thing is, it's probably very difficult to consider anything as 100% selfless. Helping others is inherently pleasurable to the brain, and for good reason -- we needed to work together to survive. The question is how to emphasize (and provide) the good feelings? One of the reasons people get involved in causes is because they learn more about it, get better (high resolution experience) and gain recognition and community from doing it. Where you find (most) people doing "selfless" acts, you find people forming communities and recognizing one another. Not that this is the only reason, as I said... even if nobody but YOU knows you "did good" for someone else, it triggers--for most of us--a pleasurable response.
The scientists have different, interesting views on this:
You're right, though, it needs a lot more thought. The point is, simply telling people what they SHOULD do (eat better, stop smoking, use better coding practices, document!, etc.) has much less success than motivation through invoking a more positive emotional feeling around it... "wouldn't it be cool if you could do..."
Posted by: Kathy Sierra | Sep 29, 2006 7:04:34 PM
Hey there. Long time reader, first time commenter. On a related note to this article , earlier this week I wrote an article about the relevance of feelings (along with several other things) to getting yourself to take action; it's not so much aimed at creating passionate users as creating a passionate self, but you might find it interesting anyway. Taking a leaf from your running theme that "brains are interested in things related to sex", I titled it "Seven Self-Help Secrets You Can Learn From S&M... Sales and Marketing, that is!". ;-)
Posted by: Phillip J. Eby | Sep 29, 2006 11:18:19 PM
Another insightful and thought-provoking entry, thank you. I referred to the same article from FC in numerous conversations -- the examples are indeed powerful. For self-motivated people like us it is particularly fascinating to try and figure out how to motivate others.
There are many considerations about leadership and inspiration that might help bridge the gap between knowing that something is good and actually doing it. I have found that when force is applied, even when self-directed, an equal or stronger force is reflected back.
Posted by: Valeria Maltoni | Sep 30, 2006 8:33:51 AM
This was kind of funny to read for me. Since I make jewelry and other artwork, no one who buys from me could possibly be motivated by "you'll DIE if you don't". I've always emphasized the fun and individuality angle with my pieces. But when it comes to motivating my kids, all too often it ended up being "you'll DIE if you don't because I'll see to it personally" :-)
Posted by: Cyndi L | Sep 30, 2006 11:38:42 AM
A recent article might lend some support here. It's called "Strategy and the Smoker" (http://davidmaister.com/articles/4/81/) and also makes the point that all of us can know what to do, how to do it and why we should (broccoli!) and still not do it. Life is not about understanding - it's about detremnation and resolve. We help others when we assist them with increasing their desire and determination to achieve. The rest we can leave to them!
Posted by: David Maister | Sep 30, 2006 12:09:20 PM
This was a great thing for me to read. I teach people how to Brand themselves in an industry where Branding is done hardly at all. After consulting people to do this, there is no doubt they get it, but I think most people don't have the self image to do it. So this was a very intersting read for me, gave me some insight.
Posted by: Josh Peak | Sep 30, 2006 1:02:35 PM
Interesting article.
Brocolli is perhaps a better example of motivation than you think.
It turns out that we have genes (from a family called TASS2R genes) that make Brocolli more bitter to some people than others. Broccoli tastes bitter to everyone, but to those with two particular TASS2R genes it tastes very bitter indeed. So bitter that brocolli is inedible for these people. Luckily there are other vegetables that are just as good for you as Broccolli and that don't taste bitter for two TASS2R gene people.
The moral of the story: There will always be some people who will need very different motivation to make the changes expected of them. It's not that they are bloody-minded or stubborn, or that they are just resisting out of human habit. For some people, change really is very hard indeed. These people need completely different motivation to the rest of us. Our challenge is to find it.
I love brocolli by the way.
Graham Hill
Posted by: Graham Hill | Sep 30, 2006 1:25:08 PM
Using reverse psychology to persuade people to do good things:
"Energy Conservation: It's BAD for you!"
"Hot Sex and Preserving the Rainforests: they go together! Save the rainforests, so you can have hot sex in them."
"Buy a Green Car, piss off your gasoline-loving parents!"
"Don't slim down, it's DIRTY!"
Posted by: A.R.Yngve | Sep 30, 2006 2:25:47 PM
great article, right on the nail head again. (and excellent 'further-readings' article (Strategy and The Fat Smoker) from David Maister too.
Anthony Robbins stated the power of "fear and pleasure" and how these can affect changes. I believe in your article, you are stating that the power of pleasure (to initiate change) is greater than fear. Anthony wrote it otherwise ;)
Posted by: limcs | Oct 1, 2006 9:46:14 AM
Great post. I'm always amazed by the "fire and brimstone" approach taken by all kinds of lifestyle critics because in most cases it has the opposite effect.
I would like to second Graham Hill's notion about people having different motivational needs. It's easy to say anyone and everyone would be more motivated by some added joy in their lives; however, there are a fair share of folks who are swayed by statistics and warnings. A mixed message, or distinct targeted messages, with all these things (joy, stats, etc.) is often necessary to cover the gamut of personality types.
Posted by: Mike Lunt | Oct 1, 2006 4:56:30 PM
I'd like to stand up for the pessimists and give you one method of motivating that works every time and is entirely negative.
But it is a way of getting the crap stuff done.
What you need is to find something that an individual finds absolutely appalling (eating brocolli for example or in my case making telephone calls).
Once you have that you can get an individual to do some really crap jobs, as long as one alternative is *less* appalling.
Would you like to eat some brocolli or clean the toilet with your tongue?
Would you like to mow the lawn or make some cold calls?
Try it. You'll be amazed how many crap jobs you can get done as long as you give yourself an alternative that is really, really unpleasant.
P.S. This trick works almost as well with toddlers as it does with adults.
Posted by: Neil Wilson | Oct 2, 2006 5:42:58 AM
Why do we want to motivate others by implanting our own motivation into them and trying to convinve them that they should want what we believe they should want?
A strong motivation is a very simple stark powerful thing. All the reasons for it are secondary. Some are stepping stones across which the motivation was arrived at or recognized. Others are rationalizations.
Put your finger on the button of any one of our strongest motivations, make a clear and easy path for us to fulfill it, and get ready to handle serious traffic.
I see the goal as learning what the user wants rather than teaching the user what they can get, even when the thing to be wanted and gotten is identical in both cases.
Posted by: Vera Bass | Oct 2, 2006 8:38:26 AM
There was a training session I went to about workplace safety once. One of the things that they were talking about was motivation and the bases behind learned behaviour.
It was described that there were two elements to learned behaviour. Firstly, is the outcome of this activity good or bad. Secondly, is the outcome of this activity immediate or deferred. (this also incorporated the probability of the outcome)
Basically something that is bad is generally a poorer motivation for learned behaviour than something that is good - and something that is deferred is poorer than something that is immediate.
I suspect that the majority of cases where "do this or you'll die" has failed to motivate have been where the outcome (ie. death) is deferred.
To maximise the motivation to do the right things in these cases the challenge is to convert a bad/deferred outcome into a good/immediate outcome.
And, of course, merely telling someone about an outcome (whether good or bad) is probably going to have a deferred effect - meaning that you're starting from a difficult position.
Posted by: omni | Oct 3, 2006 5:17:06 AM
I absolutely love this article and am planning to head over to my own blog to rattle on about it as soon as I comment here. As a Shakespeare geek I often find myself fighting the battle of the broccoli - Why do we have to read Macbeth? Because it's good for you. Bleh. It's obvious that the argument doesn't work, just look at the number of kids that come out of a Shakespeare class (or, realistically, calculus, organic chemistry, or any number of pick your least favorite courses) thinking "Wow, that was great!" Sure, a certain percentage didn't have to be forced. Some people actually like broccoli, too.
I once caught myself answering the "Why learn Shakespeare?" question with the answer, "Because your life will be better." I really and truly believe that. I feel that it's been my experience. But good heavens does it sound like a pretty hefty statement with no good way to back it up!
I love the ideas expressed here, and as soon as I hit the Post button I'm going to be off brainstorming on how I can apply them to the "Why learn Shakespeare" question. Just don't tell my boss, since that's not what I do for a living :).
Posted by: Duane | Oct 3, 2006 7:31:45 AM
Duane: I cannot WAIT to see what you come up with on the "Why Learn Shakespeare" question : ) It's obvious that you appreciate how it makes your life better... the hard part is translating that into something others can understand (and find motivating). One possible tip I have for coming up with those answers is to just keep imagining someone asking you WHY or WHO CARES to whatever you say. So you start with, "because it makes your life better" and someone says, "WHY?" and you respond. And whatever you say next, the person still says, "SO?" or something like that. Keep doing this until you get to something really interesting and specific, and you might have that compelling, intruiguing answer. We have to go through this exercise for so many of the things in our book... "Write your code this way because it's the way you should do it" doesn't cut it ; )
omni: Interesting point about the "deferred" benefit. I hadn't been thinking about that much, but you're right -- the instant reward is better than the deferred one. We try to find *anything* that might be considered an intermediate motivator (i.e. "You are on your way... you are making progress") or to at least keep reminding them that the Big Benefit is going to be there, and just think of how cool it will be when you're there... Whenever possible, though, we try to find milestones/steps/levels along the way to getting to that ultimately-deferred benefit, and use them as motivators (or at least reminders).
vera: "I see the goal as learning what the user wants rather than teaching the user what they can get, even when the thing to be wanted and gotten is identical in both cases."
Very, very well said, and I think that's a crucial distinction (and the right one to make). This quote is going in my Must Remember This file. Thanks.
Phillip: Thank-you for the pointer! I really liked your post (and now I'm interested in your book, too).
Posted by: Kathy Sierra | Oct 5, 2006 3:14:20 PM
I read this article from my rss reader, and after this article my reader showed up another article, what a coincidence!
A new study from the British Economic and Social Research Council and reported today in the Washington Post finds that fear and guilt are actually poor motivators when it comes to getting people to change unhealthy habits.
via: Science Blog - Scare tactics
Posted by: Baris Evrim | Oct 10, 2006 6:39:37 AM
This topic is so relevant to mediators who struggle with why more people don't choose mediation as a problem-solving tool.
While we do much to raise awareness through volunteer efforts, we've neglected to persuade using emotion.
Mediation works because parties can regain peace of mind and a sense of control in their own lives. It can reduce stress and return the joy of being acknowledged and understood to the lives of consumers.
I plan to share this gem with all the mediators who I coach and read my blog. Thanks.
Dina Beach Lynch
Posted by: Dina Beach Lynch | Oct 19, 2006 12:12:55 PM
I totally agree with the fact that it requires emotions to change. Without emotions, no motivation. Period.
I don't entirely agree, though, with the part about it having to be positive emotions, or optimism. I believe that there are two kinds of people:
* the ones that are driven by the things they want to have or reach, so people that are thinking, feeling and going TOWARDS their goals
* people that are driven by the things/situations they don't or no longer want. These people are thinking, feeling and moving AWAY FROM things to reach their new situation.
So, I also believe that to motivate this first kind of people, it is very important to have them experience the positive feelings of reaching their goal, the joy and pleasure of doing what they want to do. But the second kind of people need to feel the misery and pain (negative feelings) linked to the situation/thing they no longer want to get motivated. You don't motivate these people with the joy of the goal but with the pain of what they are leaving behind, IMHO.
So, emotions are really essential in changing people! But what kind of emotions depends on the kind of person you're dealing with, I believe.
Posted by: Jef | Oct 26, 2006 10:15:28 AM
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virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
her first lesbian sex -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
his first facial -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
his first gay sex -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
his first huge cock -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
Posted by: awejtp | Aug 15, 2007 9:36:18 PM
housewife bangers -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
huge boobs galore -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
insane cock brothas -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
just facials -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
milf seeker -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
porn stud search -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
she got pimped -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
squirt hunter -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
teens for cash -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
Posted by: aetwp | Aug 15, 2007 9:36:51 PM
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
twinks for cash -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
wild fuck toys -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
college wild parties -
couples seduce teens -
diary of a milf -
dirty latina maids -
fast times at nau -
first time swallows -
ftv girls -
gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
give me pink -
her first anal sex -
her first big cock -
her first dp -
her first lesbian sex -
his first facial -
his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
hot campus teens -
housewife 1on1 -
housewife bangers -
huge boobs galore -
insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
more gonzo -
my first sex teacher -
my friends hot mom -
my naughty latin maid -
my sex tour -
my sisters hot friend -
naughty allie -
naughty america vip -
naughty bookworms -
naughty drive thru -
naughty julie -
naughty office -
neighbor affair -
orgy sex parties -
porn stud search -
prime cups -
rectal rooter -
seduced by a cougar -
she got pimped -
simpson twins -
so cal coeds -
sperm swap -
squirt hunter -
tamed teens -
teen brazil -
teens for cash -
teen topanga -
texas twins -
trixie teen -
twinks for cash -
virgin teen lesbians -
wild fuck toys -
asian parade -
all internal -
american daydreams -
asian 1on1 -
asian parade -
ass masterpiece -
ass traffic -
backseat bangers -
bang boat -
black cocks white sluts -
boob exam scam -
bookworm bitches -
border bangers -
bubble butts galore -
college fuckfest -
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college wild parties -
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first time swallows -
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gangbang squad -
gay blind date sex -
gay college sex parties -
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her first anal sex -
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his first gay sex -
his first huge cock -
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insane cock brothas -
just facials -
latin adultery -
little april -
little summer -
met art -
milf seeker -
milton twins -
Posted by: aepawe | Aug 15, 2007 9:37:16 PM
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