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"Oops... we forgot about the users."

If I attend one more tech company meeting where NOBODY talks about the users/customers (or at least not a positive one), I'm throwing myself out the window of this trailer. Think long and hard right now about some of the company meetings you've attended where the entire effen meeting is about everything but what's good for the users. We talk about deliverables and budgets and TPS reports and why we all need to help keep the refridgerator clean and how "upper management" has a new policy and why filling out those timesheets really helps the company and how we didn't make our numbers last quarter and how somebody is taking more than their share on Bagel Morning Wednesdays and, oh yeah, don't forget the team-building workshop next Tuesday.

Gag me with a motivational poster.

Until talking about the users/customers/members/clients becomes the most important thing, we're going nowhere good. And no matter how many companies pay it lip service, the meetings tell the real story. It's staggering how many meetings I've been to where nobody is advocating for the users. Nobody. Yet everybody is advocating for ways to do what "upper management" wants or ways to save money or ways to... you know, many of you probably work in the companies I'm thinking of.

That doesn't mean that most of you don't think and care about the customer, it's just that you don't always get the opportunity to talk about it. It's hard being the first one to stand up in a meeting and say, "Um, excuse me, but we just made a decision that hurts the customers a lot, and... EVERYONE'S OK WITH THAT?" And who wants to be the one who stands up and asks, "And this helps the customers... how?" or the one who says, "Do you think we could all take a look at the customer feedback reports?" or the one who says, "Has anyone actually TALKED to a real user lately?"

Caring what the users think is something that just about any company claims to do, but even when they say it, what they really mean is, "Of COURSE we care what the customers think of us" when they should care about what the customer thinks of himself in relation to the product. It's the biggest companies that usually are the worst, since there are so many layers upon layers of mid-to-upper managers who are so far removed from the real users that they've got a distorted, naive, unrealistic, or just plain wrong idea of who their users are and what their users need and want.

But I hear it outside the big companies as well. It's the author who is writing the book to help his resume or gain visibility, so he focuses on what readers will think... of the author. It's the blogger who complains about not having the readers they deserve, but not once acknowledges that what the readers actually value (and decide is worth their time to look at) is what matters (assuming more readers is the goal--for most bloggers, it isn't). We make excuses. We blame everyone and everything but ourselves when it's so often not about the things we point to (ad budget is too small, marketing sucks, not enough funding, the A-list won't link to us, we're the wrong gender/race/age, etc.), but rather the simple fact that we just don't have enough respect for the people who are our users/readers/customers/members...

So, to help reinforce the message, I've made a couple of take-offs on the Buzzword/BS Bingo game (here's a marketing bingo card), where you go to a meeting and check off each BS/buzzword as it comes up. But since that's only reinforcing what's wrong with many of these meetings, I thought I'd make one that reinforces what's right... talking about the users. In this game, you check off a box when someone says something loosely related.

Better yet, randomly pick one of the boxes on the card and just say it, every 5 minutes ; )



And here's another bingo game, although like Buzzword Bingo, it is focused on what's wrong (but I still like it). It's a card that brings up a variety of ways we deflect responsibility for a product-that-does-not-respect-the-users by blaming everything but the fact that we just didn't take the users seriously enough. That we just didn't value their time, money, energy enough. There are, of course, scenarios in which things on the blame card are valid, and not simply excuses, but you can usually tell when someone (or some company) is either in denial or looking for a scapegoat.

Blame Bingo


Whoa... guess I have a little 'tude about this, but it's frustrating trying to help companies who want passionate users when their culture keeps users as a low-priority background thread. But things are changing quickly--the days of "he who has the biggest marketing campaign wins" are just about over, and it's shifting to "he who cares enough to deliver what users really want wins." And that means the little one-person-start-up might have just as much chance to win customer hearts as the Big Guys.

Posted by Kathy on October 3, 2006 | Permalink


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Let's extend the game - anytime you get 4 boxes filled on the Bingo card you *must* stand up for the customer!

I used to work for great managers that always listened when I brought up the customer (I was responsiblke for Customer support and Quality). Those were great times, even if we often let customers down. At least our customers believed we were trying to get better.

My bosses changed and the new ones never consulted me on anything of significance. Our customers stopped believing in us. We dropped from the number one company in our market to "not even a player" in about a year.

I feel bad for my customers - because I think I got out of that company just in time - but I also feel like I abandonded my customers.

Everything you do should be bracketed by three questions:

1) How will customers perceive this?
2) How will this help customers?
3) Will this save customers time and/or money, or will it just save us time and/or money - customer be damned?


Posted by: Rob La Gesse | Oct 3, 2006 4:46:15 PM

hear hear! great post Kathy.

I have a lot of attitude about this too... particularly as people come and talk to be because I specialise in designing experiences that put their customers at the centre of attention, but still they persist in focusing on the requirements of the marketing department, or the internal politics of the company - and these get priority over what's best for the customer.


Posted by: leisa reichelt | Oct 3, 2006 4:59:45 PM

Hey Kathy,
Great post. The two grid images should be printed and posted on every companies bulletin board.
And PLEASE regardless of what people say in meetings, do not throw yourself out of the trailor :-)

Posted by: Parag Shah | Oct 3, 2006 11:49:30 PM

Amazing idea Kathy. I've seen some of the "best" ideas have the WORST impact on clients because the client was of secondary concern to getting the marketing message out, shameless though it may be. If we aren't thinking about the client's needs first, then we aren't doing the right thing. Thanks for that reminder.

And these bingo cards are priceless. You could also deal out the positive ones to random people that DO keep the customers first and foremost at a meeting, and have them shout out the cards from time to time, just to keep a meeting moving along! I can just see me now, shouting "It's not about us...it's about how customers feel!" in our boardroom, and me getting the sharp stick, er evil eye from someone. Should be fun!

Posted by: Phil Gerbyshak | Oct 4, 2006 5:04:22 AM

You rock, lady. Even though I just wrote a blog post about blogging for myself and not linking much, I'm going to post this one. :)

I came into the world of technology and devolpment quite recently, after a coupla decades in commercial real estate development followed by several years of starting and running web based businesses.

I'm completely blown away by the general obliviousness of so many tech developers to customers and the marketplace as ...uhm... PEOPLE (hello?) just like us.
You're smart and financially successful (er, planning to be) so you're superior to the masses? I find myself going on about our market/customers and watching either eyes glazing over or, sometimes, a baffled curiosity as though I just landed from Mars.

Ok. Seems I have a bit of 'tude about this too.

I'll take about 20 sets of those Bingo games. Do you take Paypal?


Posted by: VeraBass | Oct 4, 2006 7:12:06 AM

I wish you were speaking at the ARMA Conference in San Antonio this month. You should go just to check it out. Records management could use a voice like yours advocating for the user whenever possible.

Posted by: Raalnan Five | Oct 4, 2006 8:59:05 AM

Write a book with all this please! I have been through a few business motivation books in the past few days and they have all been depressingly disappointing. Your stuff rocks and to me it screams to be turned into a book. I'm reading The Long Tail, and enjoying it, even though I read the original magazine article and lots of the blog and much of that is repeated in the book. It's having it collected and put together in a nice flow that makes me continue reading, so I think you should do it too!

Posted by: Jennifer Apple | Oct 4, 2006 10:06:41 AM

I agree with the general sentiments in the comments section. Kathy your posts and metaphors really rock.

I am a first time blogger who's been in communications and marketing, which in my book ARE about the customer experience (everyone is my customer), on the corporate side. So I am using the blog in my spare time to experiment on value, content creation and possibly a new market space in due time. For now I am just finding a voice.

Your material could easily become a book, one that would sell itself. Thank you.

Posted by: Valeria Maltoni | Oct 4, 2006 12:51:11 PM

Jennifer, that's an interesting thought ... I heard a rumor that Kathy was working on just such a book ;)

Posted by: Bill Mietelski | Oct 4, 2006 1:32:26 PM

Awesome post, Kathy. I nearly defenestrated myself recently when a manager described the user experience as, "...and then the user clicks on button X..."

That's NOT the user experience, it's interaction! (This was the same manager who sent around an email looking for recommendations after a client asked us to relable a navigation item that had already been successfully tested with users because she thought it was 'boring'.)

Ignoring the users or thinking about them in the wrong way is never going to create passionate users.

I take pride in being a bit of a troublemaker within my organisation because it means I'm making people think about this stuff. The occasional, histrionic, "But think of the USERS!" (a la "But think of the CHILDREN!") gets a bit of a laugh and allows me to redirect the conversation towards our ultimate audience.

Posted by: Theresa Cunnington | Oct 4, 2006 8:34:56 PM


Very funny. I laughed out loud, especially the, "our users won't RTFM".

It reminds me of the saying attributed to a former chairman of Ford Motor Company who said something along the lines of: "If we are not driven by our customers, then our vehicles won't be driven by them either".

Sad to say, despite coming from a long-time Ford family, my wife and I both drive Toyotas today. And we have no intention of ever switching back.

Graham Hill

Posted by: Graham Hill | Oct 5, 2006 3:18:28 AM

You make a very valid point. Corporate america says "We need to change for the customer!" Which actually means "I am a senior manager, and since I have been suppressed and jerked around my whole life, it's time I can change the things that were never broken and add new things that don't make sense just becuase I am now in a position that I can do so, and if you don't like it, then you can be shoved aside with the others!" Too many times I have seen and heard that things need to change for the member (in my case of working in a credit union) and it's not becuase it will better them, but more or less make us work different.

With that company, the programmrs never took time to get to know their users which were us (the agents). These programs they "wrote" for us SUCKED!!! User friendly couldn't be used in the same sentence to describe them.



Posted by: Jeremy Woertink | Oct 5, 2006 12:18:57 PM

These bingo cards are the greatest. Your use of visuals is pricesless in communicating these ideas! Keep up the good work!

Regards from the Netherlands

Posted by: Dave | Oct 5, 2006 1:23:38 PM

We talk about our users all day. We listen to them and they talk about what we call "the internet being down". We are about to launch our product and hope that caring for users was worth it...VC's don't get it and don't care, but they have the money. We've done this on our own dime...ignoring the constant "need to have ads" or "need to hold back features to charge premium service fees". ..check us out..enjoy. www.bounceisfree.com
Saturday 10/8 Launch: www.bouncebase.com

Posted by: David Armstrong | Oct 5, 2006 2:37:53 PM

Hello Kathy,

I wanted to layout and play around with your idea of “customers being ignored” by company's that say they've got their customer's best interest in mind. I decided to post an article on my site, CommerceCubes.com, feel free to have a read and let me know what you think.



Posted by: Luc | Oct 7, 2006 1:31:51 PM

I'm reminded of a comment made by one of my lecturers on my Computing degree back in '86. Having set out *the* way to do something, my hand went up at the back of the room. "Why?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why like that? Is it faster? More efficient? Better for the users?"

"Users? You don't need to worry about them."

While this was before PCs really kicked in, most of the other students who took that advice onboard at face value would now be 40ish like myself. And coming into positions of power.

I hope they have learned the error of his ways inbetween times...

Posted by: Tony Quinlan | Oct 9, 2006 2:51:58 PM

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hammers casino -
havana club -
holdem poker -
home casino -
hype gaming -
hype partners -
ibig casino -

Posted by: pawep | Aug 15, 2007 9:30:05 PM

imperial casino -
i net bet -
inter champs -
inter tops -
i play tournaments -
isa bet -
island poker -
jackpot city -
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ladies bingo -
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las seters -
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lucky nugget casino -
lucky nugget poker -
mad bingo -
magic box casino -
magic oasis -
mapau -
mapau bingo -
mapau de -
maple casino -
merlins magic casino -
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miami beach -
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mummys gold -
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only bingo -
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playgate poker -
play united -
poker 333 -
poker affiliate -
poker forum challenge -
poker metro -
poker ocean -
poke round -
poker rewards -
poker room -
poker room la -
poker show -
poker time -
prestige bingo -
prestige casino -
prestige poker -
pure platinum poker -
pure slots -
purple lounge -
pyramid casino -
race track casino -
refer back -
refer spot -
rewards parking -
rich webmaster -
river belle -
river belle poker -
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royal vegas -
royal vegas poker -
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ruby fortune -
sail away casino -
sands of the caribbean -
s casino -
sci fi casino -
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shark casino -
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silver dollar casino -
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slots -
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slots cr -
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social paradise -
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spin palace -
spin palace poker -
sports interaction -
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sun palace casino -
sun poker -
sunset casino -
sun vegas -
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the sands -
the six shooter -
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virtual city poker -
wager junction -
wager profits -
windows casino -
wssb casino -
wssb sport -
you bingo -
yukon gold casino -
zodiac casino -
24h poker -
24kt gold casino -
32 red -
32 red affiliates -
32 red poker -
32 vegas -
3 diamonds casino -
400 affiliates -
49er casino -
50 stars casino -
777 dragon -
7 sultans -
7 sultans poker -
888 -
888 casino -
09:00 AM -
9 games -
9 poker -
absolute poker -
ace club -
aces high -
acf webmaster -
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all poker casino -
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car sands -
casino 365 -
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cd poker -
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Posted by: amewptu | Aug 15, 2007 9:30:40 PM

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apues tas -
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desert dollar -
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diamond casino -
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diamond gal -
dream poker -
earn united -
ecard room -
el bingo -
euro poker -
everest poker -
fair deal sports -
fast win casino -
festive bingo -
first web casino -
five card charlie -
flamingo club -
fortune affiliates -
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fortune lounge -
fortune room -
g3 partner -
galactic bingo -
gambling federation -
gaming club -
gaming club poker -
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gaming income -
geisha bingo -
geisha lounge -
get 21 -
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golden palace -
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golden palace poker -
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gut shot -
hampton casino -
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holdem poker -
home casino -
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hype gaming -
hype partners -
imperial casino -
i net bet -
inter champs -
internet bingo -
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i play tournaments -
isa bet -
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lucky nugget poker -
mahjong time -
merlins magic casino -
metro casino -
mummys gold -
my bookie -
nine -
nine am -
nine games -
nine poker -
oasis casino -
online casino -
online vegas -
only bingo -
orbital casino -
oyna 65 -
pacific poker -
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piggs casino -
piggs peak -
platinum play -
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play 4 free -
play 65 -
play and deal -
players club casino -
players vegas -
play united -
poker -
poker 333 -
poker affiliate -
poker cs -
poker forum challenge -
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poker rewards -
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portofino casino -
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pyramid casino -
race track casino -
refer back -
refer bingo -
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rewards parking -
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slots -
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slots cr -
slots plus -
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social paradise -
speed bet -
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tcads -
the six shooter -
the star casino -
this is vegas -
tiger gaming -
tiki bingo -
top card casino -
top line bingo -
touch stone poker -
trident lounge -
trident poker -
triple win -
true earnings -
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ultimate bet -
united partner program -
vc casino -
vc poker -
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vegas experts -
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victor chandler casino -
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villento -
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49er casino -
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888 -
888 casino -
ace club -
all jackpots -
all poker casino -
all slots -
all star affiliates -
amber coast casino -
aposte -
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bet 19 -
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bet on games -
bet on races -
bet wwts -
big bettys bingo -
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cameo casino -
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casino webcam -
cd casino -
cd poker -
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city club casino -
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cs casino -
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enter casino -
euro grand -
europa casino -
fair deal sports -
fair poker -
fast win casino -
first web casino -
five card charlie -
fortune junction -
gambling wages -
geisha lounge -
gl casino -
go casino -
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golden riviera casino -
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good as gold casino -
grand aces -
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grand riviera -
hammers casino -
hotel casino network -
ibig casino -
i play tournaments -
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king solomons -
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mapau -
mapau bingo -
mapau de -
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merlins magic casino -
miami beach -
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millionaire casino -
miss bingo -
monaco gold casino -
mummys gold -
music hall casino -
new york casino -
noble poker -
nostalgia casinos -
omni casino -
online vegas -
only bingo -
palace of chance -
party bets -
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party gammon -
party poker -
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playgate casino -
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play united -
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shark casino -
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spass kasino -
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sports interaction -
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sun poker -
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super slots -
super slots bingo -
swiss casino -
the sands -
the six shooter -
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titan poker -
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trident lounge -
trident poker -
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vip -
vip casinos -
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vip sports -
wager junction -

Posted by: awemtu | Aug 15, 2007 9:31:05 PM

wager profits -
wild jack casino -
wild jack mobile -
windows casino -
wssb casino -
wssb sport -
you bingo -
24h poker -
24kt gold casino -
32 red -
32 red affiliates -
32 red poker -
400 affiliates -
777 dragon -
7 sultans -
7 sultans poker -
09:00 AM -
9 games -
9 poker -
absolute poker -
aces high -
acf webmaster -
acropolis casinos -
action gold -
action poker -
affiliate lounge -
all poker casino -
aposte -
apues tas -
arthurian casino -
aspinalls online casino -
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aztec riches casino -
aztec riches poker -
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bingo program -
bingo promoter -
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bingos -
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cameo casino -
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can bet -
canbet casino -
canbet poker -
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capital bingo -
captain cooks casino -
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casino 770 -
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casino classic -
casino coins -
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Posted by: awetwe | Aug 15, 2007 9:31:38 PM

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